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About Us

It would take too long to tell you about the 20+ years of ideas (mostly bad) we've had together. So we will start with 2020, during a global pandemic, when we told our wives and parents that we were quitting our well paying jobs in construction to become entrepreneurs... 


We've been living by the "burn the ships" mentality long before it was a motivational quote on your social media feed. From making hundreds of gift boxes for wine bottles, to building 14 foot tall flamingos, we have accumulated quite the spectrum of pieces for our portfolio through the power of persistence. And while no two projects have been the same, our mission, to deliver projects to our customers that make them question how the hell we made it happen, has never changed. You could say our motto is "delivering the inconceivable". 


We know just enough to be dangerous, and it shows. Pat has an affinity for late nights with a blank canvas and I think he takes sick pleasure in getting me to say "I don't know how to do that, but we will figure it out". The opportunity to bring the napkin sketch to life for our customers is what we love to do. Thanks for taking the time to check us out, now let us blow your mind...

Nick Stoppello & Pat Churchman



not capable of being imagined, comprehended, or believed; something so extraordinary or improbable that it defies understanding.

"The idea we would somehow get paid to do this was once considered inconceivable."

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